"I Lead" - Gary Morais
Gary has developed a solution based speed of thought assessment to help identify the negative thought patterns and non-Christ like thinking that is hindering new leaders from emerging out of our Local churches. Leaders are more necessary now than ever before to help meet the needs of a growing population of broken and hurting in our chirhces and communfties, helping facilitate the much needed ministries that churches have to offer. His assesment called the Equipping Profile will not only help new emrging leaders, but can also help refine those already in leadership.
Harnessing the power found in Romans 12:2 “… be transformed by the renewal of our minds” once the negative non-Christlike thinking is identified its can be replaced with Gods truth and Biblical transformational statements. Click below if you are interested in learning more about this unique leadership development tool. We work with Gary to help bring this training to you and your leadership both those identified to emerge as leaders and those already serving in leadership.
Estuary Classes - Do you have a vision to have gospel impact beyond your church walls?
Estuary Classes are micro-equipping environments run through partnerships with local churches that prepare Jesus followers to have impact beyond their church walls—to live on mission through seeking the flourishing of their cultural estuaries.