Community Resources

  • RNR Retreat near me

    Are you in crisis or at a crossroad, just receive a diagnosis, struggling with anxiety, depression, or loss, and in need of a retreat, an oppourtunity to get out of your own environment, be loved on, have wise counsel available to assess and help you process and determine your next steps. Have nutritious meals prepared for you. Let us help you. We work with Churches near you to help facilitate this retreat, by training up lay counselors to help you in your journey. We encourage you to find, invite, and bring an advocate of your own personal retreat, who can help you implement some of the tools you will get on your retreat to begin walking in newness. The main reason we partner with churches is because Jesus said so. He instituted His Church and gave her His power to go and make disciples to baptize and teach the world to observe all that He has Commanded.

    Jesus’s plan is for His church to be available to minister to the needs of the brokenhearted in their communities. Now no church is perfect, but Jesus is, and ultimately our goal is to help you look to Him and see His plan for you in this crisis or crossroad. One of the most profound and transformative statements in Scripture is found in Romans 12:2 “be transformed by the renewal of your minds…” That is what we hope to help you identify areas where the enemy of your soul has sewn lies and help replace them with Gods words and His truth, over your life. This is were the transformational power Jesus’s offers is found.

  • Forgiveness mini retreats

    More and more Medical institutions, such as Johns Hopkins and Stanford university are recognizing the life changing power and healing that can be found in Forgiveness.

    “Something happened. It might have been yesterday. It might have been years ago. But it hurt. And it changed you. And unless you forgive those who wronged you, the heart wound will become infected and spread. Eventually, you can become a prisoner of your own wounded heart. If the story ended here, you would be hurt beyond healing. But the Good News is, it is not finished. In his creative, story-driven, highly motivating style, Bruce reveals from the words of Jesus Christ how you can find the freedom and peace your heart longs for. Discover forgiveness that is for real and forever.” Bruce Wilkison - Teach Every Nation

    This can be one of the lowest hanging fruits available to pick no matter crossroad or stage of our healing journey. 70X7 is a 8 session video series created to help us assess and where necessary find the way to offer once and for all genuine forgiveness.

    To inquire about a forgiveness mini-retreat series near you click below. We’d love nothing more than to help you find, freedom, peace and Lord willing even healing.

  • Gospel Centered Churches near me

    God’s design for healthy living is largely in Gospel centered community. This is what the Local Church is designed to be, not just country clubs for those who appear to have it together but a hospital where Jesus’s hands and feet are ministering to the brokenhearted needs in the community. We firmly believe that if we are to help the community our focus should be on identifying healthy churches and equipping the people of Jesus with His tools, which are “power tools”, enabling them to be effective agents for transformation and renewal.

    As we grow our ministry we are continually meeting these incredible gospel centered communities and we’d love to help conect you to them as well. Keep in mind no church is perfect this side of eternity, but community on mission to bring hope to the hopeless, pointing others to the One who is perfect. As Hebrews 12:2 tells us “ looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.”