Begin a church wide forgiveness campaign with this incredible resource called 70X7 put on by Teach Every Nation and open it up to your community. Initiate a Ministry of reconciliation among your congregation. Encourage people of Jesus to take this to their neighbors
This might sound crazy but unhealthy or false identity is one of the main issues driving mental and physical health issues, first creating anxiety, driving chortisol, driving inflammation, driving disease. As the Church there is no one better suited to help address the identity Crisis this world has created. Yet many in the Church are trying to get their identiy from their performance and not in the intrinsic God given attributes that God gave us first when He knit us together in our mothers womb, but then again when He addopted us as His sons and daughters. He gave us an eternal inheratance. We should know who we are be cause we know Whose we are.
Yes these earthly bodies are temporary dwellings that will one day be renewed. However, Jesus said that our bodies are now a temple for those who have repented and trusted Jesus, the Holy spirit now lives in us. If the Jews would line the inside of the Temple with precious metals like Gold, should we not also take care of what we line our temples (bodies) with today?
Sadly today most of our churches are so sick physically that at best we are able to look inward to the needs in our own congregation. Could it be that God offers tools for healthy living so that we might be freed up from the ailments that are keeping us from focusing on addressing the needs of the community around us and maintaining an outward approach and living a life on mission for Jesus and His coming Kingdom.
We are pasisionate about helping born-again believers recognize God’s calling on their lives to somethig bigger than themselves. We desire to help identify and replace the negative thinking patterns that our hindering the development and emergance of new leaders in Christian Communities. Freeing up existing leader from the overburdening demands, spreading the load and increasing the health and effectiveness of local church bodies, ministering to the needs of the brokenhearted in and around them.
In a recent study there are now 57.8 million people in the United States and rising with unaddressed mental health issues. The Book “Beyond the Clincal Hour” makes a compelling case that the only answer to this crisis is the Church. We have a unique oppourtunity to be the shining city on a hill to a lost and broken world. We have been blessed by Hope for The Heart and their phenomenal Lay counseling training Program, called Lifeline to Hope. this 11 week training program, will equip believers in your church with the tools and confidence to engage with the brokenhearted. We are not the answer but God is and He wants to use us to enter into a sacred trust conveying the Hope that he wants to offer their situation.
To Churches who have equipped themselves with these Biblical tools of Forgiveness, Identity, Leadership, Lay counseling, Wellness and Lifestyle, we have a blueprint to actively engage those tools in your community, by offering Personal Retreats to those in both your church and community who are in Crisis or at a Crossroads. “If your Church were to be gone tommorow would your city miss it?“ (Author unknown). We have an oppourtunity through LOVE to introduce the brokenhearted to Jesus, practically meeting their needs, offering a retreat from the front lines of their own situation /enviroment, someone in the church who might have an Airbnb that would be willing to offer for a weekend, and then giving this individual or family an oppourtunity to have a sounding board to discuss options and next steps, seek the Holy Spirit together through prayer for His leading. To have meals made for them, have child care for their kids. to have others rally around that retreat time in prayer, and to have the follow-up of a Gospel Centered church to help walk out their situation. Click below to learn more and get equipped.