Seeking to live out the great commission while encouraging others to do the same, being rooted, nourished and renewed daily in Christ.

Rooted Nourished Renewed is a non profit ministry connecting the local church to the community and the community to the local church for the sake of strengthening the body of Christ and establishing hope and healing for the brokenhearted through gospel centered personal retreats.

For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.

Ephesians 2:10

Are you interested? Let’s talk.

If you’re here you’ve probably heard of RNR through us or the grapevine. Thanks for coming to find out more! This site will be updated in time but consider it a landing page to connect us for now. We would love to personally share more. Please use the contact page below to let us know how and when to get in touch or just let us know you’ve stopped by.

A few other ways you can be involved…

  • Pray. (In addition to prayer requests in our newsletter there will be a link to regularly updated requests coming soon)

  • Give. We are fully funded by generous givers to do the work we believe God is calling us to. Thank you!

    • Online giving can be done through the link below or checks made out to Rooted Nourished Renewed, Inc. can be sent to:

      208 Poplar Drive, Centreville MD 21617

  • Stay up to date. We have a monthly newsletter you can stay updated with! (Subscribe below)

I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.

John 16:33

A Prayer of God’s Purpose For Me

“God of mercy and grace, without You I was on a path that led only to disappointment, emptiness, and death. In Your severe mercy, You brought me to a realization of my condition and my real need, and You caused me to see my spiritual bankruptcy. Through the way of brokenness, You graciously drew me to an understanding of my inadequacy and futility. It was only then that I could see clearly enough to reach out for Your grace and transforming power. I thank You for the circumstances and the people You used to bring this about, and I realize that You have now given me the great privilege of acting as Your agent of reconciliation so that I can participate in Your process of bringing others to faith in Christ. I give thanks for Your many gifts, and I ask You to guide and empower me to share them with others.”

Ken Boa -

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